Wal-Mart has very helpfully posted a history of their logos on their website (
http://walmartstores.com/AboutUs/8412.aspx along with some commentary.
The logo and typeface have changed quite a bit, making for inconsistent branding. There is quite a gap between "wild west" and the new "flower power".In my opinion, the logo which best described their business strategy of "everyday low price"s is this one:

Also, what's with dropping the hyphen? Apparently even the company isn't sure whether their name is "Wal-Mart" or "Walmart". In the latest quarterly earnings release, the words are used interchangeably.
Walmart Logo Timeline
In our 46-year history, we have freshened up the Walmart logo on a number of occasions. Take a look at the evolution below.
 | 1962 - 1964Sam Walton names his new stores WALMART. The Walmart name was presented in just about any font/style available to the printer. |
 | 1964 - 1981Also known as the "Frontier Font Logo," this was the first official and consistently used logo. |
 | 1968 - 1981The Discount City mark was used in print advertising, on the uniforms/smocks, in-store signing, and other things. However, it was never used as building signage or in an annual report. |
 | 1981 - 1992The logo was updated again in 1981. |
 | 1992 - 2008The star was adopted as an update to the existing logo in early 1992. |
 | 2008New logo adopted by Walmart Stores U.S |